I ended up with a K2 CNC KG-2525HD router with a
DynoMotion KFLOP 1.2 controller.
The KFLOP card is piggy-backed onto what appears to
be a proprietary K2 driver board
(revision 3.5 - no PN visible).
The 4.33d versions of
the tools were installed on the accompanying computer.
I open
the Kmotion/console
and can execute a 'Version' command and get a response,
so it
appears that the
computer and controller are happily conversing.
However, when I
go to KmotionCNC and
try and jog any axis, I get no motion.
This router was previously integrated into a
manufacturing cell in an R&D environment,
so should be in good shape. Currently the VFD
driving the spindle is disconnected,
but would not think that would be an issue for
jogging the axis.
This may be entirely a K2 issue, but I am having
difficulty tracking down any documentation
for that. I would have thought that there might
be more application-specific documentation
on the KFLOP controllers. Seems to be mostly at a
level a user would not be digging in
Any pointers how to proceed appreciated.
Thanks for your help.